
With target-fs you can interact with the filesystem of a target, using a set of familiar Unix commands.

$ target-fs <path_to_target> <command> <path_for_command>


As with any shell command, you have to properly escape backlashes and spaces. Unless you use single or double quotes (', ").


target-fs - CLI interface

target-fs [-h] [-K KEYCHAIN_FILE] [-Kv KEYCHAIN_VALUE] [-v] [-q] TARGET {ls,cat,walk,cp} ...

target-fs positional arguments

  • TARGET - Target to load (default: None)

  • {ls,cat,walk,cp} - Subcommand to execute

target-fs subcommands

  • ls PATH - Show a directory listing

  • cat PATH - Dump file contents

  • walk PATH - Perform a walk

  • cp PATH -o, --output OUTPUT - Copy multiple files to a directory specified by --output

target-fs optional arguments

  • -K KEYCHAIN_FILE, --keychain-file KEYCHAIN_FILE - keychain file in CSV format (default: None)

  • -Kv KEYCHAIN_VALUE, --keychain-value KEYCHAIN_VALUE - passphrase, recovery key or key file path value (default: None)

  • -v, --verbose - increase output verbosity (default: 0)

  • -q, --quiet - do not output logging information

For more information on the -K, --keychain-file and -Kv, --keychain-value arguments, please refer to Disk encryption (FVE).

The ls subcommand

The ls command lets you list the directory contents of any path within the target.

$ target-fs targets/EXAMPLE.vmx ls "C:\Users"
## Or
$ target-fs targets/EXAMPLE.vmx ls C:\\Users
All Users
Default User

When interacting with a *nix target you should supply a Unix like path instead.

The cat subcommand

Using target-fs’s cat subcommand it is possible to dump file contents from a target filesystem to stdout or your local disk.

$ target-fs targets/EXAMPLE.vmx cat C:\\Windows\\NTDS\\NTDS.dit

If you want to save the file to your local disk, you can so by redirecting stdout to a filename of your choice.

The walk subcommand

Using the walk subcommand you are able to perform a walk of a specific target’s directory. This will list every file and folder recursively from the path specified to the walk subcommand.

$ target-fs targets/EXAMPLE.E01 walk C:\\Users\\EXAMPLE\\Desktop
C:/Users/EXAMPLE/desktop/Windows Terminal.lnk

The cp subcommand

Using the cp subcommand you have the ability to recursively copy folders or files from a specified path. You can also supply the cp with an output directory, by using the -o <PATH> or --output <PATH> arguments. When no output directory is configured, the current working directory will be used to save the files.

## Copying the Config folder of a target to the current working directory
$ target-fs targets/EXAMPLE.vmx cp C:\\Windows\System32\\Config
C:\Windows\System32\Config\BBI -> /home/user/BBI
C:\Windows\System32\Config\BBI.LOG1 -> /home/user/BBI.LOG1
C:\Windows\System32\Config\BBI.LOG2 -> /home/user/BBI.LOG2

## Copying the Config folder of a target to the current working directory
$ target-fs targets/EXAMPLE.vmx cp C:\\Windows\System32\\Config -o reg/
C:\Windows\System32\Config\BBI -> /home/user/reg/BBI
C:\Windows\System32\Config\BBI.LOG1 -> /home/user/reg/BBI.LOG1
C:\Windows\System32\Config\BBI.LOG2 -> /home/user/reg/BBI.LOG2

## Copying a specific file in the Config folder of a target
$ target-fs targets/EXAMPLE.vmx cp C:\\Windows\System32\\Config\\SECURITY -o reg/
C:\Windows\System32\Config\SECURITY -> /home/users/reg/SECURITY