
Module Contents



Base class for filesystems.


Base class for filesystem entries.

class dissect.target.filesystems.vmfs.VmfsFilesystem(fh: BinaryIO, *args, **kwargs)

Bases: dissect.target.filesystem.Filesystem

Base class for filesystems.

__type__ = 'vmfs'
get(path: str) dissect.target.filesystem.FilesystemEntry

Returns a VmfsFilesystemEntry object corresponding to the given pathname

class dissect.target.filesystems.vmfs.VmfsFilesystemEntry(fs: Filesystem, path: str, entry: Any)

Bases: dissect.target.filesystem.FilesystemEntry

Base class for filesystem entries.

get(path: str) dissect.target.filesystem.FilesystemEntry

Get a filesystem entry relative from the current one.

open() BinaryIO

Returns file handle (file-like object).

iterdir() Iterator[str]

List the directory contents of a directory. Returns a generator of strings.

scandir() Iterator[dissect.target.filesystem.FilesystemEntry]

List the directory contents of this directory. Returns a generator of filesystem entries.

is_dir(follow_symlinks: bool = True) bool

Return whether this entry is a directory.

is_file(follow_symlinks: bool = True) bool

Return whether this entry is a file.

Return whether this entry is a link.

Read the link of the given path if it is a symlink. Returns a string.

stat(follow_symlinks: bool = True) dissect.target.helpers.fsutil.stat_result

Return the stat information of this entry.

lstat() dissect.target.helpers.fsutil.stat_result

Return the stat information of the given path, without resolving links.