
Module Contents



Basic buffered stream that provides easy aligned reads.


A base class for loading a specific path and coupling it to a Target.


class dissect.target.helpers.targetd.TargetdStream(size: int | None = None, align: int = STREAM_BUFFER_SIZE)

Bases: dissect.util.stream.AlignedStream

Basic buffered stream that provides easy aligned reads.

Must be subclassed for various stream implementations. Subclasses can implement:
  • _read(offset, length)

  • _seek(pos, whence=io.SEEK_SET)

The offset and length for _read are guaranteed to be aligned. The only time that overriding _seek would make sense is if there’s no known size of your stream, but still want to provide SEEK_END functionality.

Most subclasses of AlignedStream take one or more file-like objects as source. Operations on these subclasses, like reading, will modify the source file-like object as a side effect.

  • size – The size of the stream. This is used in read and seek operations. None if unknown.

  • align – The alignment size. Read operations are aligned on this boundary. Also determines buffer size.

class dissect.target.helpers.targetd.ProxyLoader(path: pathlib.Path, **kwargs)

Bases: dissect.target.loader.Loader

A base class for loading a specific path and coupling it to a Target.

Implementors of this class are responsible for mapping any type of source data to a Target. Whether that’s to map all VMDK files from a VMX or mapping the contents of a zip file to a virtual filesystem, if it’s something that can be translated to a “disk”, “volume” or “filesystem”, you can write a loader that maps it into a target.

You can do anything you want to manipulate the Target object in your map function, but generally you do one of the following:

  • open a Container and add it to target.disks.

  • open a Volume and add it to target.volumes.

  • open a VirtualFilesystem, add your files into it and add it to target.filesystems.

You don’t need to manually parse volumes or filesystems in your loader, just add the highest level object you have (e.g. a Container of a VMDK file) to the target. However, sometimes you need to get creative. Take a look at the ITunesLoader and TarLoader for some creative examples.


path – The target path to load.

exception dissect.target.helpers.targetd.TargetdInvalidStateError(message=None, cause=None, extra=None)

Bases: dissect.target.exceptions.FatalError

An error occurred that cannot be resolved.

class dissect.target.helpers.targetd.CommandProxy(loader: dissect.target.loader.Loader, func: Callable, namespace: str | None = None)
__getattr__(func: Callable | str) CommandProxy
command() Callable
__call__(*args, **kwargs) Any
__repr__() str

Return repr(self).