
Module Contents



Subclassed cmd.Cmd to provide some additional features.


Hub Cli for interacting with multiple targets.


CLI for interacting with a target and browsing the filesystem.


CLI for interacting with a target and browsing the filesystem.


CLI for browsing the registry.



Parse the LS_COLORS environment variable so we can use it later.


Helper method to colorize strings according to LS_COLORS.


Generator context manager that chains piped subprocessess and


Generator context manager that chains piped subprocessess, with a chain's


Helper method for generating a mode string from a numerical mode value.


Helper method for starting a regular, Python or registry shell for one or multiple targets.


Helper method for starting a TargetCli or TargetHubCli for one or multiple targets.


Helper method for starting a (I)Python shell with multiple targets.


Helper method for instatiating the appropriate CLI.


Helper method for running a cmd.Cmd cli.



dissect.target.tools.shell.STAT_TEMPLATE = Multiline-String
Show Value
"""  File: {path} {symlink}
  Size: {size}          {filetype}
 Inode: {inode}   Links: {nlink}
Access: ({modeord}/{modestr})  Uid: ( {uid} )   Gid: ( {gid} )
Access: {atime}
Modify: {mtime}
Change: {ctime}"""
dissect.target.tools.shell.FALLBACK_LS_COLORS = 'rs=0:di=01;34:ln=01;36:mh=00:pi=40;33:so=01;35:do=01;35:bd=40;33;01:cd=40;33;01:or=40;31;01:mi=00...'
dissect.target.tools.shell.prepare_ls_colors() dict[str, str]

Parse the LS_COLORS environment variable so we can use it later.

class dissect.target.tools.shell.TargetCmd(target: dissect.target.target.Target)

Bases: cmd.Cmd

Subclassed cmd.Cmd to provide some additional features.

Add new simple commands by implementing:

do_<cmd>(self, line)

Add new complex commands by implementing:

cmd_<cmd>(self, args, stdout)

Simple commands are plain cmd.Cmd commands. Output is generally presented using print().

Complex command allow @arg decorators for argparse argument parsing. Additionally, complex commands allow their output to be piped to external commands. Complex commands should therefor always write to the stdout handle that is passed as argument.

CMD_PREFIX = 'cmd_'
__getattr__(attr: str) Any
static check_compatible(target: dissect.target.target.Target) bool
get_names() list[str]
default(line: str) bool | None

Called on an input line when the command prefix is not recognized.

If this method is not overridden, it prints an error message and returns.

emptyline() None

This function forces Python’s cmd.Cmd module to behave like a regular shell.

When entering an empty command, the cmd module will by default repeat the previous command. By defining an empty emptyline function we make sure no command is executed instead. See https://stackoverflow.com/a/16479030

do_python(line: str) bool | None

drop into a Python shell

do_clear(line: str) bool | None

clear the terminal screen

do_cyber(line: str) bool | None


do_exit(line: str) bool | None

exit shell

class dissect.target.tools.shell.TargetHubCli(targets: list[dissect.target.target.Target], cli: TargetCmd)

Bases: cmd.Cmd

Hub Cli for interacting with multiple targets.

prompt = 'dissect> '
doc_header = Multiline-String
Show Value
"""Target Hub
List and enter targets by using 'list' and 'enter'.

Documented commands (type help <topic>):"""
default(line: str) bool | None

Called on an input line when the command prefix is not recognized.

If this method is not overridden, it prints an error message and returns.

emptyline() None

Called when an empty line is entered in response to the prompt.

If this method is not overridden, it repeats the last nonempty command entered.

do_exit(line: str) bool | None

exit shell

do_list(line: str) bool | None

list the loaded targets

do_enter(line: str) bool | None

enter a target by number or name

complete_enter(text: str, line: str, begidx: int, endidx: int) list[str]
do_python(line: str) bool | None

drop into a Python shell

class dissect.target.tools.shell.TargetCli(target: dissect.target.target.Target)

Bases: TargetCmd

CLI for interacting with a target and browsing the filesystem.

property prompt: str
completedefault(text: str, line: str, begidx: int, endidx: int)

Method called to complete an input line when no command-specific complete_*() method is available.

By default, it returns an empty list.

resolve_path(path: str) dissect.target.helpers.fsutil.TargetPath
resolve_glob_path(path: str) Iterator[dissect.target.helpers.fsutil.TargetPath]
check_file(path: str) dissect.target.helpers.fsutil.TargetPath | None
check_dir(path: str) dissect.target.helpers.fsutil.TargetPath | None
chdir(path: str) None

Change directory to the given path.

scandir(path: str, color: bool = False) list[tuple[dissect.target.helpers.fsutil.TargetPath, str]]

List a directory for the given path.

do_cd(line: str) bool | None

change directory

do_pwd(line: str) bool | None

print current directory

do_disks(line: str) bool | None

print target disks

do_volumes(line: str) bool | None

print target volumes

do_filesystems(line: str) bool | None

print target filesystems

do_info(line: str) bool | None

print target information

cmd_ls(args: argparse.Namespace, stdout: TextIO) bool | None

list directory contents

print_extensive_file_stat(args: argparse.Namespace, stdout: TextIO, target_path: dissect.target.helpers.fsutil.TargetPath, name: str) None

Print the file status.

cmd_find(args: argparse.Namespace, stdout: TextIO) bool | None

search for files in a directory hierarchy

cmd_stat(args: argparse.Namespace, stdout: TextIO) bool | None

display file status

cmd_file(args: argparse.Namespace, stdout: TextIO) bool | None

determine file type

cmd_save(args: argparse.Namespace, stdout: TextIO) bool | None

save a common file or directory to the host filesystem

cmd_cat(args: argparse.Namespace, stdout: TextIO) bool | None

print file content

cmd_zcat(args: argparse.Namespace, stdout: TextIO) bool | None

print file content from compressed files

cmd_hexdump(args: argparse.Namespace, stdout: TextIO) bool | None

print a hexdump of the first X bytes

cmd_hash(args: argparse.Namespace, stdout: TextIO) bool | None

print the MD5, SHA1 and SHA256 hashes of a file

cmd_less(args: argparse.Namespace, stdout: TextIO) bool | None

open the first 10 MB of a file with less

cmd_zless(args: argparse.Namespace, stdout: TextIO) bool | None

open the first 10 MB of a compressed file with zless

print resolved symbolic links or canonical file names

cmd_registry(args: argparse.Namespace, stdout: TextIO) bool | None

drop into a registry shell

cmd_enter(args: argparse.Namespace, stdout: TextIO) None

load one or more files as sub-targets and drop into a sub-shell

class dissect.target.tools.shell.UnixConfigTreeCli(target: dissect.target.target.Target)

Bases: TargetCli

CLI for interacting with a target and browsing the filesystem.

property prompt: str
check_compatible() bool
resolve_path(path: str | dissect.target.helpers.fsutil.TargetPath | None) dissect.target.helpers.fsutil.TargetPath
resolve_key(path) dissect.target.filesystem.FilesystemEntry
resolve_glob_path(path: dissect.target.helpers.fsutil.TargetPath) Iterator[dissect.target.helpers.fsutil.TargetPath]
class dissect.target.tools.shell.RegistryCli(target: dissect.target.target.Target, registry: dissect.target.helpers.regutil.RegfHive | None = None)

Bases: TargetCmd

CLI for browsing the registry.

property prompt: str
static check_compatible(target: dissect.target.target.Target) bool
completedefault(text: str, line: str, begidx: int, endidx: int) list[str]

Method called to complete an input line when no command-specific complete_*() method is available.

By default, it returns an empty list.

resolve_key(path: str) dissect.target.helpers.regutil.RegistryKey
check_key(path: str) dissect.target.helpers.regutil.RegistryKey
check_value(path: str) dissect.target.helpers.regutil.RegistryValue
chdir(path: str) None
scandir(path: str, color: bool = False) list[tuple[dissect.target.helpers.regutil.RegistryKey | dissect.target.helpers.regutil.RegistryValue, str]]
do_cd(line: str) bool | None

change subkey

do_up(line: str) bool | None

go up a subkey

do_pwd(line: str) bool | None

print current path

do_recommend(line: str) bool | None

recommend a key

cmd_ls(args: argparse.Namespace, stdout: TextIO) bool | None
cmd_cat(args: argparse.Namespace, stdout: TextIO) bool | None
dissect.target.tools.shell.fmt_ls_colors(ft: str, name: str) str

Helper method to colorize strings according to LS_COLORS.

dissect.target.tools.shell.build_pipe(pipe_parts: list[str], pipe_stdout: int = subprocess.PIPE) Iterator[tuple[TextIO, BinaryIO]]

Generator context manager that chains piped subprocessess and returns a tuple (chain input stream, chain output stream).

On context exit the generator will close the input stream and wait for the subprocessess to finish.

dissect.target.tools.shell.build_pipe_stdout(pipe_parts: list[str]) Iterator[TextIO]

Generator context manager that chains piped subprocessess, with a chain’s outgoing stream configured to be parent’s stdout.

Generator returns a chain’s input stream from build_pipe generator.

dissect.target.tools.shell.stat_modestr(st: dissect.target.helpers.fsutil.stat_result) str

Helper method for generating a mode string from a numerical mode value.

dissect.target.tools.shell.open_shell(targets: list[str | pathlib.Path], python: bool, registry: bool) None

Helper method for starting a regular, Python or registry shell for one or multiple targets.

dissect.target.tools.shell.target_shell(targets: list[dissect.target.target.Target], cli_cls: type[TargetCmd]) None

Helper method for starting a TargetCli or TargetHubCli for one or multiple targets.

dissect.target.tools.shell.python_shell(targets: list[dissect.target.target.Target]) None

Helper method for starting a (I)Python shell with multiple targets.

dissect.target.tools.shell.create_cli(targets: list[dissect.target.target.Target], cli_cls: type[TargetCmd]) cmd.Cmd | None

Helper method for instatiating the appropriate CLI.

dissect.target.tools.shell.run_cli(cli: cmd.Cmd) None

Helper method for running a cmd.Cmd cli.

Loops cli.cmdloop(), skipping KeyboardInterrupts. This is done so that ctrl+c doesn’t exit the shell but only resets the current line.

dissect.target.tools.shell.main() None