
Module Contents



Basic buffered stream that provides easy aligned reads.


Create a stream with a specific range from another file-like object.


Create a relative stream from another file-like object.


Create a buffered stream from another file-like object.


Create a stream from multiple mapped file-like objects.


Create a stream from multiple runs on another file-like object.


Create a stream from another file-like object with the ability to overlay other streams or bytes.


Create a zlib stream from another file-like object.


class dissect.util.stream.AlignedStream(size: int | None = None, align: int = STREAM_BUFFER_SIZE)

Bases: io.RawIOBase

Basic buffered stream that provides easy aligned reads.

Must be subclassed for various stream implementations. Subclasses can implement:
  • _read(offset, length)

  • _seek(pos, whence=io.SEEK_SET)

The offset and length for _read are guaranteed to be aligned. The only time that overriding _seek would make sense is if there’s no known size of your stream, but still want to provide SEEK_END functionality.

Most subclasses of AlignedStream take one or more file-like objects as source. Operations on these subclasses, like reading, will modify the source file-like object as a side effect.

  • size – The size of the stream. This is used in read and seek operations. None if unknown.

  • align – The alignment size. Read operations are aligned on this boundary. Also determines buffer size.

seek(pos: int, whence: int = io.SEEK_SET) int

Seek the stream to the specified position.

read(n: int = -1) bytes

Read and return up to n bytes, or read to the end of the stream if n is -1.

Returns an empty bytes object on EOF.

readinto(b: bytearray) int

Read bytes into a pre-allocated bytes-like object b.

Returns an int representing the number of bytes read (0 for EOF).

readall() bytes

Read until end of stream.

readoffset(offset: int, length: int) bytes

Convenience method to read from a certain offset with 1 call.

tell() int

Return current stream position.

close() None

Flush and close the IO object.

This method has no effect if the file is already closed.

readable() bool

Return whether object was opened for reading.

If False, read() will raise OSError.

seekable() bool

Return whether object supports random access.

If False, seek(), tell() and truncate() will raise OSError. This method may need to do a test seek().

class dissect.util.stream.RangeStream(fh: BinaryIO, offset: int, size: int, align: int = STREAM_BUFFER_SIZE)

Bases: AlignedStream

Create a stream with a specific range from another file-like object.

ASCII representation:

Source file-like object
        RangeStream with offset and size
  • fh – The source file-like object.

  • offset – The offset the stream should start from on the source file-like object.

  • size – The size the stream should be.

  • align – The alignment size.

class dissect.util.stream.RelativeStream(fh: BinaryIO, offset: int, size: int | None = None, align: int = STREAM_BUFFER_SIZE)

Bases: AlignedStream

Create a relative stream from another file-like object.

ASCII representation:

Source file-like object
        RelativeStream with offset
  • fh – The source file-like object.

  • offset – The offset the stream should start from on the source file-like object.

  • size – The size the stream should be.

  • align – The alignment size.

class dissect.util.stream.BufferedStream(fh: BinaryIO, offset: int = 0, size: int | None = None, align: int = STREAM_BUFFER_SIZE)

Bases: RelativeStream

Create a buffered stream from another file-like object.

Optionally start from a specific offset.

  • fh – The source file-like object.

  • offset – The offset the stream should start from.

  • size – The size the stream should be.

  • align – The alignment size.

class dissect.util.stream.MappingStream(size: int | None = None, align: int = STREAM_BUFFER_SIZE)

Bases: AlignedStream

Create a stream from multiple mapped file-like objects.

  • size – The size the stream should be.

  • align – The alignment size.

add(offset: int, size: int, fh: BinaryIO, file_offset: int = 0) None

Add a file-like object to the stream.

  • offset – The offset in the stream this fh maps to.

  • size – The size that this mapped fh spans in the stream.

  • fh – The file-like object to map.

  • file_offset – The offset in the fh to start from.

class dissect.util.stream.RunlistStream(fh: BinaryIO, runlist: list[tuple[int, int]], size: int, block_size: int, align: int | None = None)

Bases: AlignedStream

Create a stream from multiple runs on another file-like object.

This is common in filesystems, where file data information is stored in “runs”. A run is a (block_offset, block_count) tuple, meaning the amount of consecutive blocks from a specific starting block. A block_offset of None represents a sparse run, meaning it must simply return all \x00 bytes.

  • fh – The source file-like object.

  • runlist – The runlist for this stream in block units.

  • size – The size of the stream. This can be smaller than the total sum of blocks (to account for slack space).

  • block_size – The block size in bytes.

  • align – Optional alignment that differs from the block size, otherwise block_size is used as alignment.

property runlist: list[tuple[int, int]]
class dissect.util.stream.OverlayStream(fh: BinaryIO, size: int | None = None, align: int = STREAM_BUFFER_SIZE)

Bases: AlignedStream

Create a stream from another file-like object with the ability to overlay other streams or bytes.

Useful for patching large file-like objects without having to cache the entire contents. First wrap the original stream in this class, and then call add() with the offset and data to overlay.

  • fh – The source file-like object.

  • size – The size the stream should be.

  • align – The alignment size.

add(offset: int, data: bytes | BinaryIO, size: int | None = None) None

Add an overlay at the given offset.

  • offset – The offset in bytes to add an overlay at.

  • data – The bytes or file-like object to overlay

  • size – Optional size specification of the overlay, if it can’t be inferred.

class dissect.util.stream.ZlibStream(fh: BinaryIO, size: int | None = None, align: int = STREAM_BUFFER_SIZE, **kwargs)

Bases: AlignedStream

Create a zlib stream from another file-like object.

Basically the same as gzip.GzipFile but for raw zlib streams. Due to the nature of zlib streams, seeking backwards requires resetting the decompression context.

  • fh – The source file-like object.

  • size – The size the stream should be.

readall() bytes

Read until end of stream.