target-fs ========= With ``target-fs`` you can interact with the filesystem of a target, using a set of familiar Unix commands. .. code-block:: console $ target-fs .. note:: As with any shell command, you have to properly escape backlashes and spaces. Unless you use single or double quotes (``'``, ``"``). Usage ----- .. The argparse generation unfortunately doesn't play nicely with how we do arguments for target-fs .. Write it all out for this one... target-fs - CLI interface ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. code-block:: default target-fs [-h] [-K KEYCHAIN_FILE] [-Kv KEYCHAIN_VALUE] [-v] [-q] TARGET {ls,cat,walk,cp} ... target-fs positional arguments ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ * ``TARGET`` - Target to load (default: ``None``) * ``{ls,cat,walk,cp}`` - Subcommand to execute target-fs subcommands ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ * ``ls PATH`` - Show a directory listing * ``cat PATH`` - Dump file contents * ``walk PATH`` - Perform a walk * ``cp PATH -o, --output OUTPUT`` - Copy multiple files to a directory specified by ``--output`` target-fs optional arguments ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ * ``-K`` ``KEYCHAIN_FILE``, ``--keychain-file`` ``KEYCHAIN_FILE`` - keychain file in CSV format (default: ``None``) * ``-Kv`` ``KEYCHAIN_VALUE``, ``--keychain-value`` ``KEYCHAIN_VALUE`` - passphrase, recovery key or key file path value (default: ``None``) * ``-v``, ``--verbose`` - increase output verbosity (default: 0) * ``-q``, ``--quiet`` - do not output logging information For more information on the ``-K``, ``--keychain-file`` and ``-Kv``, ``--keychain-value`` arguments, please refer to :doc:`/usage/disk-encryption`. The ``ls`` subcommand ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ The ``ls`` command lets you list the directory contents of any path within the target. .. code-block:: console $ target-fs targets/EXAMPLE.vmx ls "C:\Users" ## Or $ target-fs targets/EXAMPLE.vmx ls C:\\Users All Users Default Default User Public User desktop.ini When interacting with a \*nix target you should supply a Unix like path instead. The ``cat`` subcommand ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Using ``target-fs``'s ``cat`` subcommand it is possible to dump file contents from a target filesystem to stdout or your local disk. .. code-block:: console $ target-fs targets/EXAMPLE.vmx cat C:\\Windows\\NTDS\\NTDS.dit If you want to save the file to your local disk, you can so by redirecting stdout to a filename of your choice. The ``walk`` subcommand ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Using the ``walk`` subcommand you are able to perform a walk of a specific target's directory. This will list every file and folder recursively from the path specified to the ``walk`` subcommand. .. code-block:: console $ target-fs targets/EXAMPLE.E01 walk C:\\Users\\EXAMPLE\\Desktop C:/Users/EXAMPLE/desktop/EXAMPLE.log C:/Users/EXAMPLE/desktop/ C:/Users/EXAMPLE/desktop/EXAMPLE.tar C:/Users/EXAMPLE/desktop/desktop.ini C:/Users/EXAMPLE/desktop/Windows Terminal.lnk C:/Users/EXAMPLE/desktop/winpmem.exe The ``cp`` subcommand ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Using the ``cp`` subcommand you have the ability to recursively copy folders or files from a specified path. You can also supply the ``cp`` with an output directory, by using the ``-o `` or ``--output `` arguments. When no output directory is configured, the current working directory will be used to save the files. .. code-block:: console ## Copying the Config folder of a target to the current working directory $ target-fs targets/EXAMPLE.vmx cp C:\\Windows\System32\\Config C:\Windows\System32\Config\BBI -> /home/user/BBI C:\Windows\System32\Config\BBI.LOG1 -> /home/user/BBI.LOG1 C:\Windows\System32\Config\BBI.LOG2 -> /home/user/BBI.LOG2 [...] ## Copying the Config folder of a target to the current working directory $ target-fs targets/EXAMPLE.vmx cp C:\\Windows\System32\\Config -o reg/ C:\Windows\System32\Config\BBI -> /home/user/reg/BBI C:\Windows\System32\Config\BBI.LOG1 -> /home/user/reg/BBI.LOG1 C:\Windows\System32\Config\BBI.LOG2 -> /home/user/reg/BBI.LOG2 [...] ## Copying a specific file in the Config folder of a target $ target-fs targets/EXAMPLE.vmx cp C:\\Windows\System32\\Config\\SECURITY -o reg/ C:\Windows\System32\Config\SECURITY -> /home/users/reg/SECURITY