.. generated, remove this comment to keep this file ``messages`` ============ .. code-block:: console $ target-query -f messages .. list-table:: Details :widths: 20 80 * - Module - ``os.unix.log.messages.MessagesPlugin`` * - Output - ``records`` **Module documentation** No documentation **Function documentation** Return contents of /var/log/messages*, /var/log/syslog* and cloud-init logs. Note: due to year rollover detection, the contents of the files are returned in reverse. The messages log file holds information about a variety of events such as the system error messages, system startups and shutdowns, change in the network configuration, etc. Aims to store valuable, non-debug and non-critical messages. This log should be considered the "general system activity" log. References: - https://geek-university.com/linux/var-log-messages-file/ - https://www.geeksforgeeks.org/file-timestamps-mtime-ctime-and-atime-in-linux/ - https://cloudinit.readthedocs.io/en/latest/development/logging.html#logging-command-output