.. generated, remove this comment to keep this file ``iptables`` ============ .. code-block:: console $ target-query -f iptables .. list-table:: Details :widths: 20 80 * - Module - ``os.unix.linux.iptables.IptablesSavePlugin`` * - Output - ``records`` **Module documentation** Parser for iptables-save, ip6tables-save and ufw rules. As iptables rules are not stored on disk by default, users that want persistent rules need to store them somewhere and reload them on boot. iptables provides tools to save and reload rules (iptables-save and iptables-restore). These tools do not have a default path to look for rules, however there are multiple commonly used paths. References: - https://git.netfilter.org/iptables/ - https://manpages.ubuntu.com/manpages/jammy/en/man8/ufw-framework.8.html **Function documentation** Return iptables and ufw rules saved using iptables-save.