.. generated, remove this comment to keep this file ``commandhistory`` ================== .. code-block:: console $ target-query -f commandhistory .. list-table:: Details :widths: 20 80 * - Module - ``os.unix.bsd.citrix.history.CitrixCommandHistoryPlugin`` * - Output - ``records`` **Module documentation** No documentation **Function documentation** Return shell history for all users. When using a shell, history of the used commands is kept on the system. .. list-table:: Details :widths: 20 80 * - Module - ``os.unix.history.CommandHistoryPlugin`` * - Output - ``records`` **Module documentation** No documentation **Function documentation** Return shell history for all users. When using a shell, history of the used commands is kept on the system. It is kept in a hidden file named ".$SHELL_history" and may expose commands that were used by an adversary.