:py:mod:`dissect.volume.dm.thin` ================================ .. py:module:: dissect.volume.dm.thin Module Contents --------------- Classes ~~~~~~~ .. autoapisummary:: dissect.volume.dm.thin.ThinPool dissect.volume.dm.thin.Metadata dissect.volume.dm.thin.ThinDevice .. py:class:: ThinPool(metadata_fh: BinaryIO, data_fh: BinaryIO) Interact with a device-mapper thin-provision pool. .. py:method:: open(device_id: int, size_hint: Optional[int] = None) -> ThinDevice Open a thin device on this pool. No size information is stored in the pool, so it's recommended to provide a size hint. :param device_id: The device ID to open. :param size_hint: Optional size hint for the device to open. .. py:class:: Metadata(fh: BinaryIO) Interact with a device-mapper thin-provision metadata device. .. py:class:: ThinDevice(pool: ThinPool, device_id: int, size_hint: Optional[int] = None) Bases: :py:obj:`dissect.util.stream.AlignedStream` Implements a readable thin device/volume. :param pool: The pool the device belongs to. :param device_id: The device ID of the device. :param size_hint: Optional device size hint.