:py:mod:`dissect.vmfs.lvm` ========================== .. py:module:: dissect.vmfs.lvm Module Contents --------------- Classes ~~~~~~~ .. autoapisummary:: dissect.vmfs.lvm.LVM dissect.vmfs.lvm.Extent Attributes ~~~~~~~~~~ .. autoapisummary:: dissect.vmfs.lvm.VMFS_LVM_PE_SIZE dissect.vmfs.lvm.VMFS_LVM_BASES .. py:data:: VMFS_LVM_PE_SIZE .. py:data:: VMFS_LVM_BASES :value: [1048576, 1114112, 2097152, 1572864, 9437184] .. py:class:: LVM(fh) Bases: :py:obj:`dissect.util.stream.AlignedStream` VMFS LVM implementation. Takes a list of file-like objects (or Extents) to construct a volume. VMFS should start at LVM dataOffset + 0x200000 .. py:class:: Extent(fh) Bases: :py:obj:`dissect.util.stream.AlignedStream` VMFS LVM physical extent implementation. PE bitmap is at VMFS_LVM_PE_BITMAP_BASE + version dependent offset. It appears that the LVM can start at the following offsets, however that still needs to be verified: - 0x100000 - 0x110000 - 0x200000 - 0x180000 - 0x900000