:py:mod:`dissect.target.plugins.apps.ssh.ssh` ============================================= .. py:module:: dissect.target.plugins.apps.ssh.ssh Module Contents --------------- Classes ~~~~~~~ .. autoapisummary:: dissect.target.plugins.apps.ssh.ssh.SSHPlugin Functions ~~~~~~~~~ .. autoapisummary:: :nosignatures: dissect.target.plugins.apps.ssh.ssh.calculate_fingerprints Attributes ~~~~~~~~~~ .. autoapisummary:: dissect.target.plugins.apps.ssh.ssh.OpenSSHUserRecordDescriptor dissect.target.plugins.apps.ssh.ssh.COMMON_ELLEMENTS dissect.target.plugins.apps.ssh.ssh.AuthorizedKeysRecord dissect.target.plugins.apps.ssh.ssh.KnownHostRecord dissect.target.plugins.apps.ssh.ssh.PrivateKeyRecord dissect.target.plugins.apps.ssh.ssh.PublicKeyRecord .. py:data:: OpenSSHUserRecordDescriptor .. py:data:: COMMON_ELLEMENTS :value: [('string', 'key_type'), ('string', 'comment'), ('path', 'path')] .. py:data:: AuthorizedKeysRecord .. py:data:: KnownHostRecord .. py:data:: PrivateKeyRecord .. py:data:: PublicKeyRecord .. py:class:: SSHPlugin(target: dissect.target.Target) Bases: :py:obj:`dissect.target.plugin.NamespacePlugin` Base class for plugins. Plugins can optionally be namespaced by specifying the ``__namespace__`` class attribute. Namespacing results in your plugin needing to be prefixed with this namespace when being called. For example, if your plugin has specified ``test`` as namespace and a function called ``example``, you must call your plugin with ``test.example``:: A ``Plugin`` class has the following private class attributes: - ``__namespace__`` - ``__record_descriptors__`` With the following three being assigned in :func:`register`: - ``__plugin__`` - ``__functions__`` - ``__exports__`` Additionally, the methods and attributes of :class:`Plugin` receive more private attributes by using decorators. The :func:`export` decorator adds the following private attributes - ``__exported__`` - ``__output__``: Set with the :func:`export` decorator. - ``__record__``: Set with the :func:`export` decorator. The :func:`internal` decorator and :class:`InternalPlugin` set the ``__internal__`` attribute. Finally. :func:`args` decorator sets the ``__args__`` attribute. :param target: The :class:`~dissect.target.target.Target` object to load the plugin for. .. py:attribute:: __namespace__ :value: 'ssh' .. py:function:: calculate_fingerprints(public_key_decoded: bytes, ssh_keygen_format: bool = False) -> tuple[str, str, str] Calculate the MD5, SHA1 and SHA256 digest of the given decoded public key. Adheres as much as possible to the output provided by ssh-keygen when ``ssh_keygen_format`` parameter is set to ``True``. When set to ``False`` (default) hexdigests are calculated instead for ``sha1``and ``sha256``. Resources: - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Public_key_fingerprint - https://man7.org/linux/man-pages/man1/ssh-keygen.1.html - ``ssh-keygen -l -E -f key.pub``